My day in calories

Like I mentioned here, I’m not super jazzed with my numbers on the scale so I decided to count every single calorie I consumed yesterday to get a better idea of where I stand.

Blueberry Protein Shake: 213 Calories
Black coffee with a splash of almond milk:15 calories

Pre-Gym Snack
Strawberries and greek yogurt: 159 calories

Quinoa & roasted veggies: 322 calories
(Quinoa, asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli with olive oil, garlic & red pepper flakes – roasted for 30 min @ 400F)

Afternoon Snack
Apple: 72 calories

Strawberry Salad (minus chicken): 110 calories (I made my own dressing but used a TJ version as a calorie estimate)

BBQ Pizza: 578 calories (side note – this is an estimate.  We didn’t measure most of the pizza ingredients and I couldn’t find some of the ones we used from the site list but looking at this I’m thinking we need to eat less cheese.)

Words cannot describe how good this was


Night snack
Popcorn: 140 calories

Daily Total: 1609 calories.  Per Myfitnesspal my daily caloric total if I want to lose a few pounds should be 1200 calories.  So if I ate like this without working out I’d be in trouble.  However, yesterday at the gym I did an hour of pilates which is around 150 calories and 25 min on the treadmill (walk/run at an incline) for around 250 calories for a total of 400 calories exerted at the gym.  If I did all my math correctly, I’m looking at a net of 1209 calories. Great, if I really did eat/exercise like this every day.  But the weekends come along and things fall apart.  Imagine a day like the one above plus 4 drinks?  Those sneaky liquid calories.  No wonder the scale was not my friend.

Thoughts on this?  Do you guys track your calories?  It took a lot of work to log everything and it wouldn’t be realistic to commit to doing this every day but it does serve as a good reminder that I want to have drinks then I need to balance out those calories with my daily eats and workouts which is so obvious but sometimes gets lost in the mix of fun social events.